Big Think Events

Big Think creates learning and connection events based on what our clients ask for, and the needs we hear from the people we talk to. Below is a list of upcoming events that you can register for and attend – some online and some offline.

MasterThinkers Product BootCamp™

What It’s All About

Instead of writing a book that takes hundreds of hours to write, edit, and publish: in the MasterThinkers: Product BootCamp, create a unique information product that can generate money while you sleep and get the benefits of being a published author.


Beginning September 2, 2015 for six sessions (every other Wednesday)


Cary Innovation Center


Mastermind workshop. Co-creation and active engagement required.

Registration and More Information

Get Paid to Market™

What It’s All About

Successful companies look at marketing as a necessary expense

Struggling companies see marketing as an unnecessary expense

Big Think views marketing as a product – something that can be sold

At Big Think, we don’t pay for marketing – our clients pay us to be marketed to (in a sense). Learn how to use events and products to get the word out about your offerings – and get paid along the way.


August 19, Noon EST



Registration and More Information